Leadership coaching is a vital ingredient for the success of any organisation!
Overtime, organisational, team and individual coaching has become widely regarded, across the globe, as essential for the success of an organisation offering an effective system to improve team collaboration, work productivity and produce successful outcomes.
This year I had the opportunity to undertake the Executive and Organisational Coaching Course to grow my skills as a leadership coach.
The course, undertaken both face to face and online, over a six-month period, was daunting, challenging, confronting, personal, invigorating, stressful and hugely rewarding both professionally and personally.
We learnt that the core principles of effective coaching are:
- Accountability
- Coachee generated goals and actions
- Self-discovery
- Future focused
- Quality feedback
- Confidentiality
As part of the training, you were expected to practice and hone your coaching skills face to face and online, receiving constructive feedback. You also needed to coach leaders externally. I have had the pleasure and privilege of coaching a mix of leaders both inside and outside of my organisation over the past 5 years. A real grow-th process!

From my coaching experience I now know:
Leadership coaching works!
Leadership coaching can be an integral part of employee appraisal.
Leadership coaching equals success.
Leadership coaching is a collaborative, personalised process that facilitates new thinking to cause positive change
Leadership coaching empowers both the coachee and the coach.
But wait! What did my coachees think of this process?
Insights from the coaching sessions:
The coaching model supports me and the school moving forward.
… the coaching sessions and dedicated time helped it happen (steps towards
When you must be coherent for the coach it gives you the opportunity to make it coherent for yourself.
I am realising the power of coaching (after 3 sessions) as a model to be used in schools alongside appraisal and potentially with students.
It is okay to share personal situations with others to gain understanding and empathy.
To realise personal ‘curve balls” are a reality. You need to prioritise your time and energy.
I now realise things are under control, I don’t need to worry about stuff.
When unexpected challenges arise, it is “how” you cope with them that is important.
I need to take self-care seriously and make it a priority.
A valuable takeout from the coaching session:
On reviewing my week, I get a sense of achievement and I am going into the weekend thinking wow! Lots of plusses and I now have a sense of energy.
A feeling of positivity … is now more doable!
We are never alone – the power of real collaborative action (that is, the coaching partnership).
The coaching process has enabled the continued momentum towards achieving my goals.
Eat the elephant one bite at a time!
Get off the dance floor and onto the balcony to be able to guide others and keep the big picture in mind.
The structure of the coaching sessions has helped me to put the pieces together and work through the documentation and review process.
I am over-thinking and putting too much pressure on myself.
I value the guiding and the opportunity to say personal things.
The power of breaking it (goals) down!
Being in a safe place to speak.